Tag Archives: Christmas shopping on less than a shoestring

No Money for Christmas

It was just before Thanksgiving, mid-1980s, when my then-husband’s work went on strike.  Thankfully, we already had our turkey and other food for Thanksgiving, but rumor had it the strike would last past Christmas, and possibly into the new year.

Of course, neither the utility companies, nor the mortgage company would put our billing on hold because of the strike.  And as usual, we had no savings account.

Our holidays were going to be very strained. I was used to living on a meager, shoestring budget and usually prepared ahead of time with gifts, especially because my son’s birthday was November 30th and one of my daughter’s birthday was just eight days later.

I always did everything I could to make my kids’ birthdays and holidays a pleasant experience. I babysat, sold Avon, or Christmas Around the World gifts and toys, or had an educational toy party, or something similar to earn gifts for my kids. Continue reading


Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Christmas, Hope, The Miraculous