Tag Archives: Writing

20 Things You Might Not Know About Me Blog Tag Challenge

Booklovers1 tagged me to a blog challenge 20 Things You Might Know About Me Blog Tag .  I thought I would try it and pass the tag on to several bloggers.  Blog challenges can be a fun way to get to know each other. I enjoyed getting to know some personal things about Booklovers1. She has a great blog in which she reviews books, music, even a few movies and more.  She is the super sweet lady who reviewed my book Black Coat with a Silver Lining a while back. 

Here are the Tag Challenge questions and my answers:

Question 1: How tall are you?  I am definitely taller than most women.  This greatly bothered me when I was much younger as I wanted to look feminine and petite, but it sure comes in handy when I need to grab something off the top shelf!
Question 2: Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what?   Well, if it’s hidden I wouldn’t know. LOL.  I do tend to enjoy all sorts of arts and crafts.  I gave my walls a Mediterranean texture with drywall mud, and put up Italian tile in my kitchen and they turned out pretty well. I have done many other things I never really tried until I did them.  I guess the best way to find out if you have a hidden talent is to try something new!
Question 3: What’s your biggest blog-related pet peeve?  That I don’t have enough time to go on more of the blogs I would love to read.  As for a pet peeve about my own blogging experiences, it’s when I have combed through my post several times, hit publish, then later find some obvious errors. Continue reading


Filed under Just for Fun

Buried in Editing and Revision


I’ve been buried under a pile of editing, and have for a while semi-avoided the subject of the book I’m writing when I’m around friends, but they usually bring it up.

“So, how’s the book coming along?”

In embarrassment I tell them I am still editing and revising.

They may raise an eyebrow and say, “Still?”

I shyly admit, “It just keeps getting better.”

I’ve read that to be a good writer you must read, read, read, and write, write, write. I’m adding, edit, edit, edit, and revise, revise, revise.

The thing is, most people don’t actually understand what editing and revising truly entail. Continue reading


Filed under Author's B-Log, Everydayliving, Hope, Life and Relationships, Writing and Author Stuff

A Note From an Aspiring Author

Book writing, like wine,

only gets better with time;

and an enormous amount of revision.  emy

Okay everybody, I am finally almost done. For reals this time! Really, I meant it!

But what a chore it has been.

For a while I have been threatening to write a memoir. Well, I finally did, but the funny thing is that it’s not my memoir.  Though, of course, it has an awful lot of my heart and soul in it.

It’s really the fictional memoir of a homeless man named Nick. I have a desire to bring awareness to the tragedy of homelessness and the heartbreak of un-adopted foster kids that age out of foster care, and end up homeless.

As if those poor kids have not been through enough already.

Yes, this really does happen, by the way.

You may have some questions.

How did I end up writing a fictional memoir, rather than my own? And What on earth would make me think anyone would even be interested in reading my memoir anyway?

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Filed under Author's B-Log, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Humor, Life Lessons, Writing and Author Stuff

An Unlikely Dream

Joseph wasn’t unlike some teenagers of today.  His father’s overt favoritism left him with that strong sense of entitlement—

“I really am all that.”  “It really is all about me.”

Jacob, Joseph’s father, AKA Israel, made Joseph an expensive and fancy coat to–well–die for.  Almost.

God had plans to use Joseph to save the nation of Israel, but first Joseph needed a humbling period.

Joseph needed to mature.  The enrollment into the University of Hard Knocks began. Continue reading


Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Everythingelse, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Just for Fun, Seeds of Inspirations, The Impossible, The Miraculous

A Pursuing God



It never ceases to amaze me that the GOD OF ALL CREATION—THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR—Longs to be part of our lives.

In real estate it’s all about:



Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Hope, Life Lessons, Poetry, Seeds of Inspirations, The Miraculous, Writing and Author Stuff

Need Help Liking The Bible?

imageHappy Saturday everybody.

When I find something of great value I like to share it.

That is why I have spent countless hours telling stories of how God has transformed me from a person who felt meaningless and unwanted to a person who realizes that God, the Creator of the universe, the All Mighty, All Powerful God–is also my Father.

He redeemed this unwanted, forsaken, sinful, selfish, forgotten, fatherless self–ME–into His kingdom through the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son.

So now I can say,

“I got a Daddy!” Continue reading

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Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Everydayliving, Everythingelse, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Hope, Seeds of Inspirations, Writing and Author Stuff

Not all Obesity is Due to Gluttony

imageIt is so good to finally get a health warning that is useful!


I don’t know why I didn’t figure this out sooner!

I use shampoo in the shower!

When I awash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body.

 Printed right on the shampoo bottle label is this warning.


No wonder I have been gaining weight!

Well, YOU BET I got rid of that shampoo!* Continue reading


Filed under Everydayliving, Hope, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Loss of a Child, Seeds of Inspirations

Heart Support

As I have mentioned before, my former married life was excruciatingly painful. I often felt overwhelmed and badly in need of an emotionally supportive friend at home. God sent that supportive friend in the form of a dog.

Annie and me 1997.

Annie and me 1997.

God knew what He was doing when he made dogs. Annie was the best friend a person could want. It was spring of 1986. My three children then were five and under. As an avid animal lover, I jumped at the chance to get a lapdog when I heard there was a litter of designer-puppies. Free! They turned out to be a Lhasa-apso-terrier-mix. The owner did not want to deal with selling the mixed-breed pups. For over a week I begged my then-husband to give a puppy a try until he finally conceded, but was adamant he didn’t want this dog, he wanted a Doberman.

There was only one female left by the time we got the puppy. She was blonde, very affectionate and cuddly, with a curled, shaggy tail.

The kids and I were exhilarated when we brought her home. Months before we knew of the litter, I told the kids someday I wanted a girl dog named Annie. After that, my two year old son told everyone “My doggy name Annie,” so we named this puppy Annie.

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Filed under Animals, Awed by His Love and Grace, Gottalaugh, Hope, In a Kids World, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Just for Fun, Seeds of Inspirations, Writing and Author Stuff

Caught-Up with the Urgent?

“It all seems ultra-important at the moment—but later we realize much was done at the extent of cultivating deeper and more meaningful relationships with those we love most.  Being held hostage by the tyranny of the urgent is not how we were meant to live.”                                Charles R. Swindoll.


I sure am.

The years I struggled as a single mom I was under an insurmountable amount of stress.  It wasn’t just child support or family support that I lacked, I was also stuck with huge amounts of debt I didn’t create.  I tried to make the best of things, but I was often overwhelmed, exhausted, and grumpy.

Unwittingly, I placed more importance on finding a home for my family than the treasured place my kids held in my heart. It wasn’t that I didn’t love them.

It was for them that I sacrificed! Continue reading


Filed under Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Life Lessons, Loss of a Child, Single Parent Struggles, Writing and Author Stuff

Yard Sale Lesson

When my kids were little, money was always very tight. My then-husband had a great job and made good money. The problem was that he had a hard time letting go of it at home. I was the only adult I knew who received a weekly “allowance” that barely covered groceries but was supposed to also cover haircuts, clothing, shoes, gifts, gas, personal items, and anything in between. The amount of his paychecks was always kept a mystery.

I looked for ways to make extra money. I babysat, sold Avon, and had countless hostess parties like Tupperware and Christmas Around the World. I tried anything I could in order to buy needed things and to buy Christmas and birthdays gifts for my kids.

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Filed under Gottalaugh, In a Kids World, Just for Fun, Life Lessons, Writing and Author Stuff