Tag Archives: Pay It Forward

20 Things You Might Not Know About Me Blog Tag Challenge

Booklovers1 tagged me to a blog challenge 20 Things You Might Know About Me Blog Tag .  I thought I would try it and pass the tag on to several bloggers.  Blog challenges can be a fun way to get to know each other. I enjoyed getting to know some personal things about Booklovers1. She has a great blog in which she reviews books, music, even a few movies and more.  She is the super sweet lady who reviewed my book Black Coat with a Silver Lining a while back. 

Here are the Tag Challenge questions and my answers:

Question 1: How tall are you?  I am definitely taller than most women.  This greatly bothered me when I was much younger as I wanted to look feminine and petite, but it sure comes in handy when I need to grab something off the top shelf!
Question 2: Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what?   Well, if it’s hidden I wouldn’t know. LOL.  I do tend to enjoy all sorts of arts and crafts.  I gave my walls a Mediterranean texture with drywall mud, and put up Italian tile in my kitchen and they turned out pretty well. I have done many other things I never really tried until I did them.  I guess the best way to find out if you have a hidden talent is to try something new!
Question 3: What’s your biggest blog-related pet peeve?  That I don’t have enough time to go on more of the blogs I would love to read.  As for a pet peeve about my own blogging experiences, it’s when I have combed through my post several times, hit publish, then later find some obvious errors. Continue reading


Filed under Just for Fun

We Are His Hands and Feet


Matthew 22:36-40

Jesus was asked,

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus surprised them all by replying,

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

This is the first and greatest commandment.  

And the second is like it:

Love your neighbor as yourself.  All the

Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Continue reading


Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Everydayliving, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Hope, Seeds of Inspirations

A Touching Story- Boy Wants to be Fireman

Very beautiful. Truly a soul stirring and tissue grabbing story!


In Calgary, Alberta, a 26-year-old mother stared down at her 6 year old son, who was dying of terminal leukemia.
Although her heart was filled with sadness, she also had a strong feeling of determination. Like any parent, she wanted her son to grow up & fulfill all his dreams. Now that was no longer possible.. The leukemia would see to that. But she still wanted her son’s dream to come true.

She took her son’ s hand and asked,
‘Billy, did you ever think about what you wanted to be once you grew up?
Did you ever dream and wish what you would do with your life?’

Mommy, ‘I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up.’

Mom smiled back and said, ‘Let’s see if we can make your wish come true.’

Later that day she went to her local fire
Department in Calgary, where she met

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Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Everythingelse, In a Kids World, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Life Lessons, Loss of a Child

Blog Blitz

I’m game! This sounds like a fun idea!

mother of nine9

What would it be like if the support, encouraging nature, and community spirit of the blogosphere were ever focused on a single blogger? A few of us have experienced that sort of attention via book launches or other publishing announcements, and still others have achieved that level of awareness through the popular blogfests we host.  In most cases there is a lot of work that goes into generating that amount of interest.  What I’m talking about is being suddenly thrust into the spotlight, without even lifting a finger. What would it feel like to be the recipient of that kind of exposure? Could something like that even be possible? Can the power of the blogosphere be harnessed and directed?
Everyone knows I like to try new and different things, so today I present to you the BLOG BLITZ.  Here’s how I see it working.  Sign up on the linky list below, making…

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Filed under Everythingelse, Writing and Author Stuff

An Award Bouquet

A bouquet of awards!  What an honor!  What a treat!  I am genuinely speechless!  What a great way to celebrate the world of blogging!

I offer a humble and very grateful thanks to Savannah for the lovely thought. Savannah is very passionate about God and helping children. She has a heart that drips with sweetness and the love of God.  She covers many areas of life on her blog, and even offers prayer and/or advice for her visitors. http://savannahhardcastle.wordpress.com/


abcwonderful-team-membership-awardsuper-sweet-blogging-award21w6451 Continue reading


Filed under Awards, Everythingelse

We. Are. Fa.mi.ly. My Brothers, Sisters, and Me.

In 1979, the uplifting song, “We are Family,” became very popular. This song was performed by the four Sledge sisters’ group they called, Sister Sledge. They wanted the world to know they were proud of their family bond as they flew through life “like birds of a feather.” As I write this, the song makes rounds in my head.

I wasn’t a blogger at all when I began blogging, so naturally, I was quite nervous.  I am supposed to put my private thoughts and experiences out there.  What if I get ridiculed or criticized for putting my heart out there and bearing my soul?  This thought resonated through me long after I pressed my first “publish” button.

Well, I am happy to say, I have not had that experience at all.  If anything, I have found it to be a great joy.  Through blogging at WordPress, I have found a family of friends.  I have gotten to know them by reading their posts, and by the warm and loving comments they have left on mine. Some have even called me friend.  And in many ways, we are family, we fly through the blogosphere like birds of a feather.  I am especially touched because I have very little real family, and often feel cheated and left out of the community and togetherness of a family’s inner circle. Continue reading


Filed under Awards, Everythingelse, Seeds of Inspirations

Applauding Versatility In The World Of Blogs And Posts

There is one thing about life that never changes,

And that is that things are constantly changing.

Change is everywhere in our natural world.  Each second of each minute of each hour of each day, nothing stays the same.  Over the centuries, the ocean waves have never remained still. They repeat their rhythm with crashing roars on the coastline, evaporating to create rain clouds,  providing varying degrees of tides, and sometimes a very dangerous temper. Even the stillest lake, has life moving within its serene waters. Continue reading


Filed under Awards, Everythingelse

Beautifying The Blogosphere With Encouragement

beautiful_bloggerawardpurple_revI have been nominated for a Beautiful Blogger Award because a beautiful blogger found beauty in my posts. I must confess, this leaves me feeling very honored and a bit spoiled. These blogger awards uplift and encourage bloggers in a wonderful way.

A million thanks Sheila for this award.  Sheila, I truly admire the way you write your poetry.  Your way to de-stress, as you put it. What you are doing for your mother with Alzheimer’s is priceless.  May your kindness come back to you one-hundred-fold.  Please make sure to visit her blog at http://sheilamariegrimes.com/ Continue reading


Filed under Awards, Everythingelse

Linking Hearts Through Award Nominations

The Liebster Award is one of many awards available to encourage new bloggers, and to help us discover new blogs to enjoy.  It’s a great way to link hearts with other bloggers!

Many thanks to Rhonda of Dizzy Stir for thinking of me and considering my blog for nomination.  It’s an honor to be thought of.  May your efforts be twice blessed, Rhonda!  I truly enjoy her tongue-in-cheek posts, humor and creativity.  Though I don’t know her, she seems like someone anyone would want as a neighbor.  Please check out her blog Dizzy Stir at:   http://rhondaerb.com/ Continue reading


Filed under Awards, Everythingelse

Awards, A Bloggers Hug

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Back in March a lovely lady named Joyce, nominated me, along with several other bloggers, for two blog awards.  The “Best Moment Award” and the “Liebster Blog Award.”  I feel truly honored. Continue reading


Filed under Awards