Category Archives: In a Kids World

Attention All Men!

Please watch the video below put out by St. Mark Lutheran Church, De Pere, WI.
What is it Like Being a Dad.

Men, Please!

Rise up to your call as a father.
Accept the gift God has given you.
Every child needs a dad.
Every child needs your leadership.
Every child needs your strengths.
Every child needs your guidance.
Every child needs your genuine love.
I know this because I was one of those children without a dad and never had any type of father image, not because my father died in the war or in a car accident or anything like that, but simply because my father never cared to meet me or know what I looked like. Continue reading


Filed under A Broken Childhood, Child Abuse and Neglect, Hope, In a Kids World, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Life and Relationships

Jesus Came to Earth to Bring Life

imageI find the amaryllis to be an enchanting flower of Christmas, though it is technically not a Christmas flower.  Surely you have seen the six-by-eight inch boxes at your local stores that come out around Thanksgiving.  The pictures on the boxes display a flower that looks much like the one above.  These unique and beautiful flowers have the ability to bloom indoors.  They come in white, pink, pinkish-yellow, red, orange, and variegated colors.

The box is quite inexpensive, about seven dollars, and it includes a five inch plastic pot, plenty of dehydrated soil, and of course the bulb.  It also includes weeks of joy as you watch the dead bulb give birth to beautiful flowers. Continue reading

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Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Hope, In a Kids World, Life Lessons

Don’t Miss Out On This!


If you know a kid, or you are one of God’s grown up kids, your heart needs to know this!

Don’t miss out on this free offer from Keith Ferrin.  It is an identity booster for a Christ Follower.

I wish I would have known I had an identity in Christ when I was a kid, or even after I grew up!  It would have saved me a lifetime of heartache and empty identity searching.

I believe this is a great way to give our children a head start in life especially the way things are in this world nowadays. Continue reading


Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Everydayliving, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Hope, In a Kids World, Life Lessons, Seeds of Inspirations

CAUTION: You Are Being Watched


You are being watched.


Every day, you are being watched.

I don’t mean Big Brother, Uncle Sam, or the thousands of cameras that are popping up all over our cities.  I am not referring to God, though indeed, He does watch us. Continue reading


Filed under Everydayliving, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Hope, In a Kids World, Life Lessons, Single Parent Struggles

Sometimes Kids Just Aren’t Ready Yet

When my kids were little I took on the huge responsibility of homeschooling all three on the heels of our move across the country from San Diego, California; to the northwest.

My kids had gone to a small private school for the first couple of grades.  Jonathan, my youngest, had just finished kindergarten.

He did okay in school except for the teacher’s frequent complaints.  Jonathan, she said, was a very “intense” child.

“Jonathan  is not a rude or undisciplined child,” his teacher said,” but he has a difficult time keeping quiet during class, sitting still, not speaking out of turn, and he often corrects the other children on the playground when they aren’t following rules.”

As his parents, we didn’t know what we could do about our son’s “intensity.” Continue reading


Filed under In a Kids World, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Life Lessons, Loss of a Child, Seeds of Inspirations

Yeah, Why Is That?

Yeah, Why Is That?

Had to share this one because it is funny and oh, so true!

Sharing image from Facebook

By ~ Elizabeth Yalian 2013 ©


Filed under Everythingelse, Gottalaugh, In a Kids World, Just for Fun

The Acrobatic Fish

“Mommy, Mommy, look! That fish is walking on the grass? Look, Mommy!” My young son yelled.

“A. Fish. Is. Walking,” said my oldest daughter Rachel, twisting her face into a puzzled look.

Hannah ran over to me in amazement of the unbelievable sight.

“Mom! The fish’s walking on his head!”

I was puzzled by their statements. My eyes traced my daughter’s pointing arm to the patch of grass on the other side of the running creek, about twenty feet away. There, as plain as day, was a strange sight.

A seven inch sunfish, head down, tail straight up, moved up and down along the grass as if it was walking on its head. Continue reading


Filed under Animals, Everythingelse, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Gottalaugh, In a Kids World, Just for Fun, Life Lessons, Seeds of Inspirations, Writing and Author Stuff

A Touching Story- Boy Wants to be Fireman

Very beautiful. Truly a soul stirring and tissue grabbing story!


In Calgary, Alberta, a 26-year-old mother stared down at her 6 year old son, who was dying of terminal leukemia.
Although her heart was filled with sadness, she also had a strong feeling of determination. Like any parent, she wanted her son to grow up & fulfill all his dreams. Now that was no longer possible.. The leukemia would see to that. But she still wanted her son’s dream to come true.

She took her son’ s hand and asked,
‘Billy, did you ever think about what you wanted to be once you grew up?
Did you ever dream and wish what you would do with your life?’

Mommy, ‘I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up.’

Mom smiled back and said, ‘Let’s see if we can make your wish come true.’

Later that day she went to her local fire
Department in Calgary, where she met

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Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Everythingelse, In a Kids World, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Life Lessons, Loss of a Child

Heart Support

As I have mentioned before, my former married life was excruciatingly painful. I often felt overwhelmed and badly in need of an emotionally supportive friend at home. God sent that supportive friend in the form of a dog.

Annie and me 1997.

Annie and me 1997.

God knew what He was doing when he made dogs. Annie was the best friend a person could want. It was spring of 1986. My three children then were five and under. As an avid animal lover, I jumped at the chance to get a lapdog when I heard there was a litter of designer-puppies. Free! They turned out to be a Lhasa-apso-terrier-mix. The owner did not want to deal with selling the mixed-breed pups. For over a week I begged my then-husband to give a puppy a try until he finally conceded, but was adamant he didn’t want this dog, he wanted a Doberman.

There was only one female left by the time we got the puppy. She was blonde, very affectionate and cuddly, with a curled, shaggy tail.

The kids and I were exhilarated when we brought her home. Months before we knew of the litter, I told the kids someday I wanted a girl dog named Annie. After that, my two year old son told everyone “My doggy name Annie,” so we named this puppy Annie.

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Filed under Animals, Awed by His Love and Grace, Gottalaugh, Hope, In a Kids World, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Just for Fun, Seeds of Inspirations, Writing and Author Stuff

Yard Sale Lesson

When my kids were little, money was always very tight. My then-husband had a great job and made good money. The problem was that he had a hard time letting go of it at home. I was the only adult I knew who received a weekly “allowance” that barely covered groceries but was supposed to also cover haircuts, clothing, shoes, gifts, gas, personal items, and anything in between. The amount of his paychecks was always kept a mystery.

I looked for ways to make extra money. I babysat, sold Avon, and had countless hostess parties like Tupperware and Christmas Around the World. I tried anything I could in order to buy needed things and to buy Christmas and birthdays gifts for my kids.

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Filed under Gottalaugh, In a Kids World, Just for Fun, Life Lessons, Writing and Author Stuff