Tag Archives: Funny

Anyone Else Have This Happen?

This is most  definitely me!! anyone else?

Yes, yes, yes! Someone finally understands!


I have done this more times than I can remember.  I stash something so securely that when it comes time for me to use it, I can’t find it and have to go out and buy another one, only to find the stashed item way later when I have no need for it!  This has happened to me with Christmas and birthday gifts, with a special something I am saving for later, and with tools.  Yes, you read right.  Tools. My husband and I have our own set of tools because he doesn’t always put them away after he uses them and it drives me nuts to have to waste time in an unfruitful tool search.  So I hide my tools somewhere he won’t find them and then when I need them I cannot find them either!

Just gotta laugh!

I think from now on I will have to jot a note somewhere as a reminder where I put the prized item, but the way things go with me, I will forget where I jotted that down also.

Anyone else have this happen?

Image found on Facebook

By ~ Elizabeth Yalian 2013-2014 ©http://hiseyeisonthissparrow.com.



Filed under Gottalaugh, Humor


Way to cute not to share, if this don't make you smile your not human. (not our pic)

How precious are these rolly-polly babies!  They look like Pillsbury dough animal babies!  Makes you wanna cuddle them and lovingly squeeze them and GENTLY poke their huge bellies!

Photo from https://www.facebook.com/GWAnimalPark

By ~ Elizabeth Yalian 2013-2014 ©http://hiseyeisonthissparrow.com.


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Filed under Animals and Pets, Humor, Just for Fun

Things Aren’t Always as They Appear

imageSome days just go a little awkward, you know?

Like the hot summer day over twenty years ago, when I sat by an open window repeatedly doing the a wolf whistle (the kind a man does when a pretty woman goes by), in an attempt to teach our new parakeet, Jesse, how to whistle.  After Jesse’s 10 minute lesson, I stood up and noticed that just a few yards from my window, my neighbor’s shirtless husband was wiping his car dry. Apparently, he had been washing it for at least 10 minutes.  Continue reading


Filed under Gottalaugh, Humor, Just for Fun, Life Lessons

An Unlikely Dream

Joseph wasn’t unlike some teenagers of today.  His father’s overt favoritism left him with that strong sense of entitlement—

“I really am all that.”  “It really is all about me.”

Jacob, Joseph’s father, AKA Israel, made Joseph an expensive and fancy coat to–well–die for.  Almost.

God had plans to use Joseph to save the nation of Israel, but first Joseph needed a humbling period.

Joseph needed to mature.  The enrollment into the University of Hard Knocks began. Continue reading


Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Everythingelse, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Just for Fun, Seeds of Inspirations, The Impossible, The Miraculous

The Acrobatic Fish

“Mommy, Mommy, look! That fish is walking on the grass? Look, Mommy!” My young son yelled.

“A. Fish. Is. Walking,” said my oldest daughter Rachel, twisting her face into a puzzled look.

Hannah ran over to me in amazement of the unbelievable sight.

“Mom! The fish’s walking on his head!”

I was puzzled by their statements. My eyes traced my daughter’s pointing arm to the patch of grass on the other side of the running creek, about twenty feet away. There, as plain as day, was a strange sight.

A seven inch sunfish, head down, tail straight up, moved up and down along the grass as if it was walking on its head. Continue reading


Filed under Animals, Everythingelse, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Gottalaugh, In a Kids World, Just for Fun, Life Lessons, Seeds of Inspirations, Writing and Author Stuff

Great Mother-Son Memory

imageI never prayed so hard for a sunny day. I always dreamed of having an outdoor wedding. We chose an upscale turn-of-the-century, Victorian bed and breakfast overlooking a beautiful lake for our wedding and reception.
It had been pouring for days, but God answered my prayer. September 25th 2004 turned out to be a gorgeous day after all.
Shortly after I announced I would be getting married for the second time, my then 20 year old son, Jonathan, actually asked me if he could walk me down the aisle on my wedding day. His question caught me off-guard because Jonathan made it clear he did not like to attend any wedding. I hadn’t planned on anyone walking me down the aisle at all, but after thinking about it for a second or two, I felt flattered that my son would request such a thing. How could I possibly say no to that!

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Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Everydayliving, Gottalaugh, Just for Fun, Life Lessons, Loss of a Child, Seeds of Inspirations, Writing and Author Stuff

Heart Support

As I have mentioned before, my former married life was excruciatingly painful. I often felt overwhelmed and badly in need of an emotionally supportive friend at home. God sent that supportive friend in the form of a dog.

Annie and me 1997.

Annie and me 1997.

God knew what He was doing when he made dogs. Annie was the best friend a person could want. It was spring of 1986. My three children then were five and under. As an avid animal lover, I jumped at the chance to get a lapdog when I heard there was a litter of designer-puppies. Free! They turned out to be a Lhasa-apso-terrier-mix. The owner did not want to deal with selling the mixed-breed pups. For over a week I begged my then-husband to give a puppy a try until he finally conceded, but was adamant he didn’t want this dog, he wanted a Doberman.

There was only one female left by the time we got the puppy. She was blonde, very affectionate and cuddly, with a curled, shaggy tail.

The kids and I were exhilarated when we brought her home. Months before we knew of the litter, I told the kids someday I wanted a girl dog named Annie. After that, my two year old son told everyone “My doggy name Annie,” so we named this puppy Annie.

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Filed under Animals, Awed by His Love and Grace, Gottalaugh, Hope, In a Kids World, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Just for Fun, Seeds of Inspirations, Writing and Author Stuff

Yard Sale Lesson

When my kids were little, money was always very tight. My then-husband had a great job and made good money. The problem was that he had a hard time letting go of it at home. I was the only adult I knew who received a weekly “allowance” that barely covered groceries but was supposed to also cover haircuts, clothing, shoes, gifts, gas, personal items, and anything in between. The amount of his paychecks was always kept a mystery.

I looked for ways to make extra money. I babysat, sold Avon, and had countless hostess parties like Tupperware and Christmas Around the World. I tried anything I could in order to buy needed things and to buy Christmas and birthdays gifts for my kids.

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Filed under Gottalaugh, In a Kids World, Just for Fun, Life Lessons, Writing and Author Stuff

Hot Dog!


Happy Thursday!

I thought this picture was precious.  There have been times I wish I could get away with doing the same thing!

I realize not everyone who reads this is in the midst of summer.  I live in the northwest and though we get snow in the winter, our summer days can get quite warm, lately they have been in the mid 90s.  I am more of a mid 70s girl myself.   We have had slight humidity which gives you that need-another-shower feeling, but nothing like the suffocating humidity the east coast gets.

How do you survive the dog days of summer?

Found image on Facebook.

By ~ Elizabeth Yalian 2013 ©http://hiseyeisonthissparrow.com.


Filed under Everythingelse, Gottalaugh, Just for Fun

I Gotta Mow Again

I decided to do something fun and dedicate this song I wrote to the tune of “On The Road Again” by Willie Nelson, to my husband.

Deran is a good guy, and though he really hates yard work, he gets out there and does it.  He and I, both being firstborns and mighty stubborn-to-boot, butt-heads periodically, but I am thankful God placed him in my life.  We have had a rocky road to hoe, but after almost nine years, I am blessed to say that Deran is now the husband I thought he would be when I married him.

I also thank God for His grace and mercy on our marriage.

Well, here is the song.  Enjoy Deran! Continue reading


Filed under Everydayliving, Gottalaugh, Just for Fun, Poetry