Monthly Archives: October 2014

Longer Hugs, Please


I don’t know who invented hugs but I bet they started in the Garden of Eden when God first blew the breath of life into Adam’s nostrils, and most certainly there was at least one hug involved when God presented Adam with his wife, Eve. Yeah, definitely a few hugs then.

In my opinion most hugs are delightful, and they are varied as the people who give them.

There is the I-love-you-dearly long hug.

There’s the snuggling-with-my-poo-bear hug parents share with their kids. Continue reading

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Filed under Everythingelse, Hope, Life and Relationships

The Locked Gate

imageLife is just like this sometimes. Our path goes smoothly for a while then suddenly there is a locked gate ahead looming large before us, a blockage in our path that won’t allow us to pass without stepping way out of our comfort zone and making some sort of sacrifice. In life we can’t exactly go back to what life was before we arrived at the locked gate; we have three choices. We either give up, or sit by the locked gate and hope someone with the key will show up soon, or we must get uncomfortable, sweaty, messy, and possibly wet. We must get out of our cozy place and get to a place where things are out of sync with our earthly comfort and understanding to get around the locked gate. Continue reading


Filed under Following Christ Has Changed My Life, God and Jesus, Hope, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Living for Jesus