Category Archives: Hope

Wondering if Celebrating Christmas is Worth it?

I am reblogging my post from 2014 because I wonder if the Christmas holiday is wearing some people out to the point they would rather skip it. As I drive around I notice considerably less houses putting up lights and  decorations.  Even on my own block it seems only one fourth of the houses show any signs of Christmas. I hope this isn’t a growing trend and would hate for the true meaning of this beautiful holiday to continue to get lost in the chasing of sales, the shuffling of credit cards and the wrapping-paper covered floors.

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Filed under Christmas, Faith, Holidays and Special Days, Hope

Camo Bible Totin’ Mom

Camo Bible Toting Mom

I’m a Camo Bible Totin’ Mom. I have my own beautiful, and downright girlish, teal covered Bible with the giant butterfly on the front, and I am still the makeup sporting, very light makeup at that, lady who wears feminine apparel to church while carrying a camouflage covered Bible.

I can tell you I have gotten a couple of odd looks and double takes when someone sees my camouflage Bible cover, but that’s completely okay with me because I treasure that Bible. I read from it daily and will hang on to it until my last breath. You see, I have the pleasure of doing my reading from a Bible that once belonged to my son, Jonathan. Ironically, I originally purchased it for someone else who didn’t seem to value it much and so I was going to keep it for myself, mainly because of it’s large print, but when Jonathan, barely a teenager in those days, asked me for it I couldn’t say no.

I now own that Bible once more, the one Jonathan had placed in a camouflage cover being the all-boy that he was, since he no longer needs it now that he’s in the presence of the Almighty for good. This year, September 24th, will mark four years since God took my 27 year old son home by way of a motorcycle accident. Continue reading


Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Faith, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Hope

Mother’s Day, Not So Happy for Everyone

grandma adn babyMother’s Day has circled the calendar once more and while for some it’s a joyful mom-honoring day, for others it’s another hurtful reminder of some kind of loss.

I’m told that Mother’s Day is the busiest restaurant day, but then I also heard that about Valentine’s Day.  Perhaps it’s a tie between the two. For me, it’s one of the reasons I’m not thrilled about going out that day. There are the long waits, rushed meals, and sometimes hit-and-miss service.

So, what makes these two days so special? The celebration of love. Whether it’s celebrating couples, family, or moms, the day is truly about love. Continue reading

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Filed under Holidays and Special Days, Hope, Life and Relationships, Life Lessons

God’s Delay on Answering Prayers is no Delay

I had just left my house and was on my way to a walk-in lab for some extensive blood tests the new doctor I began seeing required. I talked to the Lord about my level of frustration, concern, and anxiety over my health issues. As I always do when I drive, I turned on Moody Radio Station KMBI 107.9.  Within a few minutes a new program came on. I’m not even sure which program it was or who the person was, but he was talking about the death of Lazarus, and his sisters’ frustration that Jesus had showed up too late to heal their dying brother.

 “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” John 11:21

I was surprised by what came on next.  The man on the radio said these words: Continue reading


Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, God and Jesus, Hope, The Miraculous

Never a Loss in Prayer

Kenny Stills's photo.

I saw this on Facebook and decided to use it here because there is so much to this quote.  When you turn to God and give Him your worries, you can only gain.

What the man lost through prayer became his richest gain.

In losing anger, he gained self-control.

In losing ego, he gained selflessness.

In losing greed, he gained charity.

In losing depression, he gained hope.

In losing insecurity, he gained confidence.

In losing fear of death, he gained peace of mind.

Coming to God in prayer is a win-win situation, all the time.

By ~ Elizabeth Yalian 2013-2015 ©

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Filed under Following Christ Has Changed My Life, God and Jesus, Hope

It’s From the Pile of Ashes that Diamond Dust Sparkles Best

imageDear Sweet Girl,

There’s so much I wish someone had been there to tell you when you were a small child, and in your teens. Since no one seemed to care much what went on in your life then, I decided to write to you to tell you what I would have told you at eighteen years of age. I hope you don’t mind the intrusion.

First of all, you aren’t worthless and you aren’t a failure. No. You. Are. Not.

You are lovable, you are lovely, you are loved! Continue reading


Filed under A Broken Childhood, Child Abuse and Neglect, God and Jesus, Hope, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Life Lessons, Living for Jesus

No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus

image I love that Jesus loves us like no other and that oftentimes

His love shows up in our lives through the kind word or gentle touch of a friend.

No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus

No one ever cared for me like Jesus;
There’s no other friend so kind as He.
No one else could take the sin and darkness from me;
O how much He cared for me. Continue reading


Filed under God and Jesus, Hope

The University of Higher Learning

Off and on I have shared with you a few of the hardships I have experienced the last 3 years.

The death of my son. Then immediately after his death I needed more emotional support than ever, but instead was further alienated and impacted by terrible family drama, followed by the estrangement of a precious family member. Shortly after that I experienced an ankle injury that took 8 months to fully heal. I thought I was out of the woods once my ankle healed, but no. Sitting around waiting for my ankle to heal led to my back atrophying and further caused issues with a previously existing back injury, which then led to over six months of sciatica (also referred to as psychotica because of its ability to drive a reasonable person to utter insanity).

After some time I could commiserate with Job’s predicament.

Throughout the hard times I asked, begged, and sometimes in frustration demanded healing and relief. I cried buckets of tears. I wanted, needed, an escape from the agony and the heartache. I wanted a speedy recovery, a prompt delivery, anything, to get me past the immediate pain. Continue reading


Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, God and Jesus, Hope, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Life Lessons

Longer Hugs, Please


I don’t know who invented hugs but I bet they started in the Garden of Eden when God first blew the breath of life into Adam’s nostrils, and most certainly there was at least one hug involved when God presented Adam with his wife, Eve. Yeah, definitely a few hugs then.

In my opinion most hugs are delightful, and they are varied as the people who give them.

There is the I-love-you-dearly long hug.

There’s the snuggling-with-my-poo-bear hug parents share with their kids. Continue reading

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Filed under Everythingelse, Hope, Life and Relationships

The Locked Gate

imageLife is just like this sometimes. Our path goes smoothly for a while then suddenly there is a locked gate ahead looming large before us, a blockage in our path that won’t allow us to pass without stepping way out of our comfort zone and making some sort of sacrifice. In life we can’t exactly go back to what life was before we arrived at the locked gate; we have three choices. We either give up, or sit by the locked gate and hope someone with the key will show up soon, or we must get uncomfortable, sweaty, messy, and possibly wet. We must get out of our cozy place and get to a place where things are out of sync with our earthly comfort and understanding to get around the locked gate. Continue reading


Filed under Following Christ Has Changed My Life, God and Jesus, Hope, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Living for Jesus