Tag Archives: Pets

Is The Grass Really Greener On That Side?



I think half of every kid in America has had a grey bunny they named Thumper. My daughter Rachel wasn’t any different. Her Thumper was the sweetest bunny. With a little nudging, Rachel was good about keeping his food and water supply filled. She often gave him vegetable treats. Under her watchful eye, Thumper even got to run loose in a small section of our backyard sometimes. She cuddled him and dressed him in baby doll clothes. But Thumper wasn’t satisfied with what he had. He constantly scratched at the corners of his hutch, in a desperate effort to get out. I couldn’t blame him; he was confined to a small space.

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Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Everydayliving, Life Lessons, Seeds of Inspirations, Writing and Author Stuff

Anxious Yorkie-Poo’s Sleep Restored

imageHimalayan salt-rock lamps are amazing. We own several and we love them. They give an amber- peachy-orangy glow to any room. Once warmed up, a lamp purifies the air and puts out negative ions that give you a sense of relaxation. Like the negative ions the ocean puts out, one reason why it feels so good to be at the beach. According to what I have read, Himalayan salt’s healing minerals also help with lung and bronchial conditions, asthma, allergies and other maladies. Really. No hocus-pocus stuff. It’s effective in that scientific sort of way.

A friend didn’t believe my rock salt lamp was really salt. “Can I lick it?”

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Filed under Everydayliving