Tag Archives: Uplifting

20 Things You Might Not Know About Me Blog Tag Challenge

Booklovers1 tagged me to a blog challenge 20 Things You Might Know About Me Blog Tag .  I thought I would try it and pass the tag on to several bloggers.  Blog challenges can be a fun way to get to know each other. I enjoyed getting to know some personal things about Booklovers1. She has a great blog in which she reviews books, music, even a few movies and more.  She is the super sweet lady who reviewed my book Black Coat with a Silver Lining a while back. 

Here are the Tag Challenge questions and my answers:

Question 1: How tall are you?  I am definitely taller than most women.  This greatly bothered me when I was much younger as I wanted to look feminine and petite, but it sure comes in handy when I need to grab something off the top shelf!
Question 2: Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what?   Well, if it’s hidden I wouldn’t know. LOL.  I do tend to enjoy all sorts of arts and crafts.  I gave my walls a Mediterranean texture with drywall mud, and put up Italian tile in my kitchen and they turned out pretty well. I have done many other things I never really tried until I did them.  I guess the best way to find out if you have a hidden talent is to try something new!
Question 3: What’s your biggest blog-related pet peeve?  That I don’t have enough time to go on more of the blogs I would love to read.  As for a pet peeve about my own blogging experiences, it’s when I have combed through my post several times, hit publish, then later find some obvious errors. Continue reading


Filed under Just for Fun

Overlooked Everyday Miracles

imageEvery day we walk past the miracles. They are everywhere, all around us, but we barely notice because we are inundated by hurries and worries. And each day, these miracles beg us to recognize them and praise their Creator.

“Look!” In their splendid array of shades and allure, flowers call for our attention.

“Observe us,” every animal, bird, and insect cries out, each with its own unique design and character.


“What about us?” the fantastic, mesmerizing undersea world beckons.

“Gaze at us,” the stars speak through their brilliance.

In their silent beauty, the majestic mountains, seascapes, and sky remind us they are worthy of our appreciation.

“We are each ingeniously and resourcefully placed on earth for His, and for your, pleasure,” they seem to say. Continue reading

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Filed under God and Jesus, Seeds of Inspirations, The Miraculous

Made to Reflect His Love


Psalm 139

 You have searched me, Lord,
    and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
    you perceive my thoughts from afar.
 You discern my going out and my lying down;
    you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue
    you, Lord, know it completely.
You hem me in behind and before,
    and you lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
    too lofty for me to attain.

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Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Living for Jesus, The Miraculous

From the Father’s Perspective


What do you see when you look in the mirror?

A mess?

A weak person?

A sinful person?

A damaged person?

Do you see an insignificant person?

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Continue reading


Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Hope, Life Lessons, Seeds of Inspirations

Valentine, Don’t Settle. Accept His Love

Here is a little YouTube history of Valentines Day.  Enjoy!

If you are single, God knows you feel alone and left out and that Valentines Day is a painful day.

God also wants you to know that He genuinely loves you.

God wants you to be His and for you to accept Him as yours.

imageGod created the original valentine.  He gave Himself as a gift of love and redemption so that we could have a restored relationship with Him, and be partakers with Him in Heaven. Continue reading


Filed under Holidays and Special Days, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Just for Fun, Life and Relationships, Marriage and Relationships

Jesus Came to Earth to Bring Life

imageI find the amaryllis to be an enchanting flower of Christmas, though it is technically not a Christmas flower.  Surely you have seen the six-by-eight inch boxes at your local stores that come out around Thanksgiving.  The pictures on the boxes display a flower that looks much like the one above.  These unique and beautiful flowers have the ability to bloom indoors.  They come in white, pink, pinkish-yellow, red, orange, and variegated colors.

The box is quite inexpensive, about seven dollars, and it includes a five inch plastic pot, plenty of dehydrated soil, and of course the bulb.  It also includes weeks of joy as you watch the dead bulb give birth to beautiful flowers. Continue reading

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Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Hope, In a Kids World, Life Lessons

He Lives Because Jesus Lives!


Thinking of you, son. You live in my memories.

I hang on to mementos and childhood memories of jokes, smiles and laughter.

I am grateful for silly boy tactics, bouquets of wilted weeds, and a boy’s imagination.

I am grateful for the precious boy’s face I looked into and the hands I held.

I am grateful for the many “I lub you, Mommy!” and “I’m hungry!” I heard throughout his childhood. Continue reading


Filed under Everythingelse, Hope, Loss of a Child, Poetry, Seeds of Inspirations, The Miraculous

It Hurts Us More Than it Hurts Them

imageThere once was a man named Joe who was filled with a great deal of bitterness.

Whenever Joe thought of Dan, he became enraged.  Dan greatly cost Joe when he robbed him in a business partnership.

Whenever Joe thought of his neighbor Lucy, he resented the way she raked most of her fall leaves into his yard, year after year.  He had seen her do that himself, yet when he pointed it out she denied it.   Heat rose up his shirt collar when she worked in her yard.

He wanted to beat the daylights out of his neighbor Sam, across the street.  Sam borrowed a perfectly working snow blower and returned it broken, after he cleared his rocky driveway more than once.  Sam then told Joe the blower never worked. Continue reading


Filed under A Broken Childhood, Awed by His Love and Grace, Child Abuse and Neglect, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Hope, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Life and Relationships, The Miraculous

How Precious Are You to God?


For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

The worth of something is based on what someone is willing to pay for it.

Jesus thought you and I were worth the very living blood in His body.  He paid a great price for us because of His love for us.  Just as most parents would go to any length to pay a great ransom price if their child is kidnapped.

EXCEPT that we willingly walk away from God.  BUT—He still is willing to redeem us. Continue reading


Filed under A Broken Childhood, Awed by His Love and Grace, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Hope, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Life and Relationships, Life Lessons, Seeds of Inspirations, The Impossible

What is a Godly Man?


What Women Want in a Godly Man
5 traits that reveal true marriage material.

I am passing the link on as I believe it is a very important message.  Please visit the magazine site. It also promises to do an article on “What Men Want in a Godly Woman” tomorrow.

The lady that shared the article on Facebook  pointed out she would like to find a man who loves her more than his Xbox.   It would be a funny statement,  if it was not so pathetically true.

This is how I responded to her.

“In this day and age men who value their Xbox less than the woman in their life are not easily found, but don’t give up; they still exist!  And may I add a man with class and a bit of chivalry is a must!”

Personally this is something else I would add to Ms. Fileta’s list.

Nothing makes me lose the respect of a man (or woman) more than one who uses foul language or talks or jokes about crass things.  As Matthew 15:18 puts it.  “But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and it is those things that make a person unclean.”

The words from his mouth tells a lot about his heart.

By ~ Elizabeth Yalian 2013 ©http://hiseyeisonthissparrow.com.


Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Everydayliving, Hope, Life Lessons, Marriage and Relationships