Category Archives: Child Abuse and Neglect

It’s From the Pile of Ashes that Diamond Dust Sparkles Best

imageDear Sweet Girl,

There’s so much I wish someone had been there to tell you when you were a small child, and in your teens. Since no one seemed to care much what went on in your life then, I decided to write to you to tell you what I would have told you at eighteen years of age. I hope you don’t mind the intrusion.

First of all, you aren’t worthless and you aren’t a failure. No. You. Are. Not.

You are lovable, you are lovely, you are loved! Continue reading


Filed under A Broken Childhood, Child Abuse and Neglect, God and Jesus, Hope, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Life Lessons, Living for Jesus

Child Abuse is an Autrocity

April was child abuse awareness month. I may be a month late, but I think any month is a good month to raise awareness.

If heinousity was a word, it would apply to child abuse as much as atrocity, and horrific do. Many times children live with such unnecessary pain and heartache, and have no idea abuse is not normal. It may take until the teen years for them to realize that what goes on at home is abuse.

Usually, abusive parents are very careful to keep their young children within their sight and control, and strictly warn the kids they are not to say anything to anyone. Ever. The children grow up burdened with a huge load not ever meant for children to carry. If they do speak up about the abuse they get ostracized by their parents for betraying the family, if not more severely beaten.

As a small child, I have only about two dozen memories of the first ten years of my life, and most of these memories are of some sort of abuse. Once, I feared my mother’s wrath so badly I had to beg my grandmother to interfere. Continue reading

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Filed under A Broken Childhood, Child Abuse and Neglect, Inner Sruggles and Heartache

Attention All Men!

Please watch the video below put out by St. Mark Lutheran Church, De Pere, WI.
What is it Like Being a Dad.

Men, Please!

Rise up to your call as a father.
Accept the gift God has given you.
Every child needs a dad.
Every child needs your leadership.
Every child needs your strengths.
Every child needs your guidance.
Every child needs your genuine love.
I know this because I was one of those children without a dad and never had any type of father image, not because my father died in the war or in a car accident or anything like that, but simply because my father never cared to meet me or know what I looked like. Continue reading


Filed under A Broken Childhood, Child Abuse and Neglect, Hope, In a Kids World, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Life and Relationships

It Hurts Us More Than it Hurts Them

imageThere once was a man named Joe who was filled with a great deal of bitterness.

Whenever Joe thought of Dan, he became enraged.  Dan greatly cost Joe when he robbed him in a business partnership.

Whenever Joe thought of his neighbor Lucy, he resented the way she raked most of her fall leaves into his yard, year after year.  He had seen her do that himself, yet when he pointed it out she denied it.   Heat rose up his shirt collar when she worked in her yard.

He wanted to beat the daylights out of his neighbor Sam, across the street.  Sam borrowed a perfectly working snow blower and returned it broken, after he cleared his rocky driveway more than once.  Sam then told Joe the blower never worked. Continue reading


Filed under A Broken Childhood, Awed by His Love and Grace, Child Abuse and Neglect, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Hope, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Life and Relationships, The Miraculous

Wiping the Slate Clean

Lets not let an unwholesome thought keep us imprisoned in a place of pain.

Lets not let an unwholesome thought keep us imprisoned in a place of pain.

I sprained my ankle Memorial Day Weekend, and because I was foolish and did not nurse it properly, I found myself practically housebound most of this year.  UGHHHH!!!!!

Eager for connection with humanity, I asked my sweet friend about the woman’s Bible study at her church.  It was based on the book by Lysa Terkeurst, Made to Crave.  Lysa writes that some of us tend to satisfy deep desires and emotional emptiness or stress with food, instead of God.  We were created to crave God, but in our fallen state we curb that craving with anything else, including food.

This curbing only offers temporary satisfaction.  Because when the food craving is over, all we are left with is guilt and a tighter pair of jeans. Continue reading


Filed under A Broken Childhood, Awed by His Love and Grace, Child Abuse and Neglect, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Hope, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Life and Relationships

God Also Uses The Phone

imageThe article below was posted on BookLovers1 blog. It is a phenomenal article.  When I read it, it immediately brought to mind my own similar story.

A Call From God

One Saturday night, a pastor was working late and decided to call his wife before he left for home.  It was about 10:00 PM, but his wife didn’t answer the phone.  The pastor let it ring many times.  He thought it was odd that she didn’t answer but decided to wrap up a few things and try again in a few minutes.  When he tried again, she answered right away. He asked her why she hadn’t answered before, and she said that it hadn’t rung at their house.  They brushed it off as a fluke and went on their merry ways.

The following Monday, the pastor received a call at the church office, which was the phone that he’d used that Saturday night.  The man that he spoke with  wanted to know why he’d called on Saturday night.  The pastor couldn’t figure out what the man was talking about. Continue reading


Filed under A Broken Childhood, Awed by His Love and Grace, Child Abuse and Neglect, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Hope, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Life Lessons, Marriage and Relationships, Single Parent Struggles

Be A Mentor

Do you know a young or new believer in need of a mentor?  When I was a new believer I was in desperate need of one.  What I really needed was a life coach to make up for all the life guidance I never received growing up, but would have greatly benefited from perching under the wings of a woman with a strong faith.  Sometimes, I terribly needed someone to cry with.

I needed a persistent someone who would have sought me out.  I probably didn’t believe I needed her then—but trust me— I was desperate for her. With perseverance, I believe I would have welcomed her.  I didn’t need a critical and judgmental someone, or someone to point out all my “sins;” for there were many.

I needed a loving, dedicated, graceful, patient someone.  I have read countless stories of people who had a mentor just like that.

When I read these stories I wonder where the mentor I urgently needed had been? Continue reading


Filed under A Broken Childhood, Child Abuse and Neglect, Everydayliving, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Hope, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Single Parent Struggles

Watch Out for Worm Infested Apples

imageI saw a most disturbing sight today while driving on a highway. A motorcyclist drove while standing up on the foot pedals of his motorcycle.  Yes, I did say he drove his motorcycle standing up.  I have never read any motorcycle driving manuals, but I am sure that would be a major no-no.

Wow, that guy is taking such a crazy risk!  Is he trying to commit suicide?  I thought.  What if the car in front of him had to make a sudden stop? I saw this motorcyclist in the same area of highway that I had to come to a sudden halt about four years ago when I hit a deer. Continue reading


Filed under A Broken Childhood, Child Abuse and Neglect, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Life Lessons, Loss of a Child, Writing and Author Stuff

He Never Promised Us A Rose Garden

I have been a prodigal.  Saved at the age of 19, but without further mentoring or Bible studies, I tried to be a follower of Christ on my own.

I continued recklessly living my life, making poor choices as I had before.  On a rebound from a hurtful breakup, I became pregnant at 22.  The responsibility of a baby, straightened my life, but I had a ways to go.

I did not want my daughter to grow up like me, never knowing what her father looked like, so I worked at keeping a relationship with her father. Apparently, I worked too hard, I became pregnant again when she was eight months old.

We got married, but deep in my heart I knew it was a mistake. I had the naïve notion everything would work out once he saw what a good wife I could be.  Immediately after our marriage, my gut feelings were confirmed.  I made a horrible mistake. Continue reading


Filed under A Broken Childhood, Awed by His Love and Grace, Child Abuse and Neglect, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Life Lessons, Life with Chronic Pain, Loss of a Child, Seeds of Inspirations, Single Parent Struggles

Just Like Daddy

When I was a little girl, there was no money for toys. The freedoms and wealth from pre-communist days had been stripped from Cuba. Everyone became equal. Equally living in poverty, with food being rationed; and under the control of Fidel Castro. My family immediately planned on moving to the U.S.

Non-communists or gusanos (worms), were looked down on. My mom kept me from the neighborhood kids for protection, and so I wouldn’t pick up a communist attitude.

You would think an only child receives a lot of attention from family, but attention and affection were scarce in my home. I was often very lonely. I didn’t understand it then, but I longed for healthy interaction and relationships.

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Filed under A Broken Childhood, Child Abuse and Neglect, In a Kids World, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, Seeds of Inspirations