Forgotten Parents – The Hardest Type Of Empty Nest

I wrote this poem over 6 1/2 years ago. Since then, I inadvertently keep hearing stories of parents, who like me, have been: ghosted -forgotten-discarded without any real explanation; and of how the pain of this insidious loss and rejection that makes one feel chucked to the side of the road like a candy wrapper, never dies. Though it does grow faint with time. As the timeless cycle of holiday celebration approaches one more year, we are reminded that Thanksgiving and Christmas so rich in memories of past family gatherings are here, and the scab is once again yanked on. It is for you, Dear Forgotten Parents, that I am reposting this to remind you there are others who feel your grief and loss. You are not alone. God bless you during the holidays of 2019. My hope and prayer for you is this: May this be the year your hearts witness the joy of family restoration! Much Love! Elizabeth

HIS EYE IS ON THIS SPARROW TOO Still Learning to Lean on God

Forgotten Parents Forgotten Parents – A New Kind of Empty Nest

We wiped bottoms and washed faces,

And took our children to many places.

We cut countless meals into tiny bites,

We made it through untold, sleepless nights.

We survived those frightening, terrible twos,

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If Only Love Was Treated as the Great Commandment It Is.

Happy Valentine’s Day Friends!  I wanted to share a beautiful story that has gone viral on Facebook because this story exemplifies the true meaning of what it means to LOVE.  Indeed, everything in life depends on our ability to love.

 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”  Jesus was asked

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’

 This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 

All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Jesus replied.

 Matthew 22:36-40 NIV

Recently on Facebook there was a touching video from Bronson, Florida that brought tears to my eyes.  Three beautiful young men, who looked to possibly be in their early twenties, helping an elderly and very vulnerable couple.  The husband, himself barely capable of walking on his own, was trying to help his physically unstable wife get into their car but could no longer offer the strong arms he once had.  These young men came Continue reading

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Merry Christmas, Friends!

Christmas time is a very wonderful time of the year,

but it is also full of busywork and expectations.

Remember to take time to breath!

God bless your holiday season!



By ~ Elizabeth Yalian 2013-2018 ©

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Wondering if Celebrating Christmas is Worth it?

I am reblogging my post from 2014 because I wonder if the Christmas holiday is wearing some people out to the point they would rather skip it. As I drive around I notice considerably less houses putting up lights and  decorations.  Even on my own block it seems only one fourth of the houses show any signs of Christmas. I hope this isn’t a growing trend and would hate for the true meaning of this beautiful holiday to continue to get lost in the chasing of sales, the shuffling of credit cards and the wrapping-paper covered floors.

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Filed under Christmas, Faith, Holidays and Special Days, Hope

Still Hanging in There.

Dear Friends,

Hope all is well with you!  I can’t believe it’s been over six-and-a-half years since my son died. The road that followed his death, along with other very difficult situations that came along, was the toughest road of physical and emotional recovery I’d ever had to walk. Much like Job in the Bible, I felt abandoned by God and man.

But God showed me He’d been there all along!  For the last several years I’ve gone through rounds of construction as God continues the good work He began in me the day of my salvation.  As I’m beginning to get my head above water I’ve never felt more at peace or closer to God. I hope to share some of these transformations sometime soon.

I apologize I have not been writing as I originally promised. I am slowly working myself back to that place.

I thank you all for your understanding and patience.



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The Human Condition of Judgment

Something happened recently that inspired me to write this. Maybe it’s because this stuff happens too often, or because I’ve personally been a victim of false judgments, criticism, and even malicious slander by people making judgments without facts, that I’m a bit more sensitive.

I recently had ankle surgery and, while my foot’s recovering nicely, once in a while I bump it on the leg of a chair and am instantly reminded I’m not completely healed. Usually, a seemingly minor bump, like one I had several days ago, results in a few days of agonizing ankle pain.

I ran a quick errand to Yokes in Post Falls, Idaho on Thursday. As I walked out of the grocery store the ankle pain gripped me to the point I avoided taking any extra steps and was quick to unload the groceries as soon as I got to my car.

Normally, I take the extra effort to push the empty cart to its designated spot, but this time I desperately needed to get off my foot. I pushed the mini cart to the dividing line between the parking spaces as I’ve seen countless carts left, and left it there making sure it wasn’t in anyone’s way when they pulled in or out, and was relieved to sit in my car. Continue reading


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Powerful Video’s+lessons+from+the+shepherd+video&view=detail&mid=7BCB4BC44B9195050FB47BCB4BC44B9195050FB4&FORM=VIRE9


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Hi friends.

I hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to a new year of blessings. Please forgive my absence as last year was a year mixed with blessings and difficulties.

Many Blessings!



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When Gratitude Becomes Your Miracle

Fallen tree Christmas 2015

After a lifetime of hardships and tragedies, including the death of my only son four years ago, I’ve had to work hard to keep a positive outlook. The last couple years have taught me to try to find something worthwhile, even if only a splinter of goodness, when things go terribly wrong.

The word gratitude for me stands for: “Graceful attitude.”

I’ve learned that when our attitude includes bits of thankfulness it somehow transforms an otherwise miserable situation into gratitude, and that very gratitude can help us find a miracle in every situation.

My version of looking for the silver lining.

The Monday before Christmas a huge section of my neighborhood experienced a power outage for about an hour and a half which doesn’t sound too bad, except that I was babysitting a 2 year old child, and each power outage means no community-well water (that’s country living). The power continued to go off, then pop on as many as 8 hours later until we went completely black for good December 23rd. This time the power company predicted power outage for several days. A massive snow storm hit our heavily wooded Northwest area downing hundreds of trees, knocking down power lines, and leaving thousands of homes in the dark. Continue reading


Filed under Awed by His Love and Grace, Following Christ Has Changed My Life, Holidays and Special Days, Inner Sruggles and Heartache, The Miraculous

Don’t Wait for Thanksgiving to Offer Kindness to a Stranger

imageI know it’s not thanksgiving yet, but hey, stores already have Christmas trees up, so I hoped you would humor me. Besides, I’m posting this to encourage someone to reach out to those in need this year.

Many people will not be celebrating Thanksgiving or Christmas this year and it isn’t because of a faith-based thing, it’s more of a funds-based thing. They just don’t have the money to buy the food and gifts to celebrate with; or any food sometimes. In fact, they don’t even have a place to live, which as you can imagine, gives them very little to be thankful for.

Today is October 10, 2015; National Homeless Day.

Over a year ago I was moved to write a fictional story about a young man who lived a hopeless, homeless life for several years. I have never experienced homelessness myself but have always felt terrible for those forced to live in the elements, especially in areas where exposure to the cold and snow can be dangerous and even deadly. Continue reading


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