Forgotten Parents – The Hardest Type Of Empty Nest

I wrote this poem over 6 1/2 years ago. Since then, I inadvertently keep hearing stories of parents, who like me, have been: ghosted -forgotten-discarded without any real explanation; and of how the pain of this insidious loss and rejection that makes one feel chucked to the side of the road like a candy wrapper, never dies. Though it does grow faint with time. As the timeless cycle of holiday celebration approaches one more year, we are reminded that Thanksgiving and Christmas so rich in memories of past family gatherings are here, and the scab is once again yanked on. It is for you, Dear Forgotten Parents, that I am reposting this to remind you there are others who feel your grief and loss. You are not alone. God bless you during the holidays of 2019. My hope and prayer for you is this: May this be the year your hearts witness the joy of family restoration! Much Love! Elizabeth

HIS EYE IS ON THIS SPARROW TOO Still Learning to Lean on God

Forgotten Parents Forgotten Parents – A New Kind of Empty Nest

We wiped bottoms and washed faces,

And took our children to many places.

We cut countless meals into tiny bites,

We made it through untold, sleepless nights.

We survived those frightening, terrible twos,

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